As we move into our current month’s Value, Politeness and Courtesy, we take a look back when, during March and April, Respect was our value of the month. At Wilberforce House, in assemblies and circle times we thought about what respect was and what it meant to respect places, things and others. We also looked at why we should respect ourselves as unique human beings – ‘I am special. You are special. There is no one like me or you.’ Each class designed posters to show what Respect means to them and presented them in assembly.
At Spencer house each class was given a particular focus to think about:
6O- respect other peoples’ beliefs and opinions.
6M- respect their work
5C- respect their own and other people’s property.
5B- respect other peoples’ opinions
4G-respect their friendships
4C- respect their elders.
The girls embraced this value and are now looking forward to showing off their impeccable manners to tie in with our current Value of Politeness and Courtesy.