Our current Value is Determination, and Wilberforce House girls have embraced this important value in many different ways. All classes have set targets or New Year resolutions and talked about how being determined helps them achieve their goals.
Reception girls were determined to work towards individual targets they had picked, which were displayed in class and in their Learning Journey Books. For example, Gabriela wants to be able to improve her skipping and Abigail is focused on practising her joined up writing.
Year 1 used their class targets to set a New Year’s resolution and they all talked about how being determined could help them achieve their goals.
Year 2 chose individual goals which were displayed on their Values board. When the girls achieve them they will stick them into the Class Values book. For example, Sophie’s target was ‘ I am determined to move onto Gold Level reading books’, and Hannah’s target was, ‘ I am determined to get better at playing the piano’
Year 3 also posted their New Year’s resolutions onto a wishes board and discussed in Circle Time how to be determined in order to achieve these. Well done girls, we know your determination and hard work will ensure your goals are reached!
At Spencer House the girls set personal targets that they are determined to achieve; they have researched and written about role models in everyday life as well as famous people who have shown great determination. They also discussed what they can do to help both themselves and others to be determined and focused when they find something challenging.
When The Magic Breakfast charity came to talk about their work, we learned about how determined Carmel McConnell (the founder) is to make sure that all children should have access to a nutrious breakfast to help them achieve the best they can.