Early Years Learning
We believe it’s vitally important that the first step into full-time education is a positive, happy experience – this is our focus in Early Years. From Reception your daughter will learn to take initiative, work hard and to think independently.
Our aim is not only to ensure Study girls grow in academic knowledge but also in skills and confidence, so they are ready for their senior school journey and the world beyond this.
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Our main focus in Reception is to provide a nurturing, stimulating and enjoyable learning environment, in line with the requirements for the Early Years Foundation Stage framework.
This works towards the Early Learning Goals in the following prime areas of learning:
- Communication and language
- Personal, social and emotional development
- Physical development
There are four specific areas through which the three prime areas are strengthened and applied:
- Literacy
- Mathematics
- Understanding the World
- Expressive Arts and Design
The Early Learning Goals provide the basis for teaching within Reception, in conjunction with the aims of the school.
Progress within each of the seven areas of learning is monitored throughout the year and a full summary is sent home in a final report at the end of the Summer term.
Information relating to the Early Years curriculum can be found on the Gov.uk website.

Our Creative Curriculum
At Wilberforce House, our pre-prep learning is centred around the Creative Curriculum. All subjects are taught under the umbrella of a different creative topic each term and our curriculum is brought to life through engaging and memorable experiences.
Each topic provides a new learning journey with a story woven throughout the term, all featuring a Stunning Start, a Marvellous Middle and a Fabulous Finish.
From Year 3 onwards, our prep curriculum begins. More formal, stand-alone topics are taught, to help to prepare your daughter for her move to Spencer House and the more advanced curriculum from Year 4 onwards as she works towards the 11+.

Specialist teaching and facilities
Study girls benefit from specialist teaching from Reception onwards, within facilities designed to enhance their wellbeing and learning experience.
In pre-prep, specialist teachers in Music, French, Computing, PE, and Ballet teach the girls. Drama is also taught by a dedicated teacher from Year 1 onwards.
As girls move through the school to Spencer House, they begin to fully use our dedicated facilities, including the Science Laboratory, Art and Drama Studio and continued use of the Sports ground at Beverley Meads. From Year 4, the girls are taught by subject specialists for all of their lessons.

Children are growing up in a world of constantly changing technology and we strive to ensure we adapt and evolve with these changes.
We are passionate about using technology to complement and enhance our teaching, and we recognise the importance of digital skills for senior school and beyond. At the same time, we are acutely aware that with the growth of technology comes a potential increase in risk to pupils’ wellbeing. We take our responsibility seriously and strive to equip our girls to be safe and responsible online at all times.
Read moreTechnology is woven through our curriculum in a number of ways:
- Computing is taught by a specialist teacher from Reception onwards
- Classrooms are equipped with the latest model iPads and an increasing range of STEAM equipment, including kits that have physical components linking to digital apps, like SAMS Lab and Lego WeDo, for technology and engineering projects
- From Reception through to Year 2, class iPads are a shared resource
- From Year 3 onwards, girls have access to individual iPads. As pupils become more skilled with using technology, the iPads become a ‘digital pencil case’ that they take with them from lesson to lesson, making use of digital resources and educational apps to enhance their learning
- Google Classroom is our digital learning environment, where teachers share resources, homework and feedback. Parents and pupils can access and re-access these resources whenever they need to – at school or at home
- Our resident coding robot, Botely, helps to introduce our younger girls to computer science and our older girls to coding. STEAM Club at Spencer House allows girls to discover and experiment with a range of technologies
- Online safety is embedded through the computing and PSHE curriculum. In collaboration with parents, Study girls sign age-appropriate code of conduct and computing agreements
- In addition, we offer Childnet talks on e-safety awareness for girls and parents.

Catering for different learning styles
We are non-selective at Reception and cater for every ability.
Our aim is to help all pupils to identify their strengths and develop strategies to overcome weaknesses, so they can become confident, independent learners and achieve the progress they are truly capable of.
We have a fantastic Learning Enrichment department, including an English as an additional language teacher. Support begins with inclusive, in-class strategies. We are well equipped to increase this support where needed through carefully planned and evaluated intervention outside of the classroom.
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Our pupils’ learning is challenged and extended through our engaging curriculum. Our specialist teachers are highly skilled at developing pupils’ talents and we provide ample opportunity to celebrate these throughout the school year, from performance opportunities in our creative and performing arts opportunities to sporting events and competitions .
Around 10% of our pupils come from a variety of multilingual backgrounds. We recognise the benefits of being raised in a multilingual environment and our English as an additional language teacher will support pupils to ensure they can access the classroom learning.
Academic Results
100 %
of girls secured a place at one of her chosen senior schools in 2022
scholarships and awards were offered to Year 6 girls this year
28 %
of senior school offers have included a scholarship over the past three years