Study girls in Reception outdoor learning space

Early Years Learning

We believe it’s vitally important that the first step into full-time education is a positive, happy experience – this is our focus in Early Years. From Reception your daughter will learn to take initiative, work hard and to think independently.

Our aim is not only to ensure Study girls grow in academic knowledge but also in skills and confidence, so they are ready for their senior school journey and the world beyond this.

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Learning through play

Play in the Early Years helps our girls to explore and make sense of the world around them, as well as to use and develop their imagination and creativity

Learning outdoors

We make the most of every opportunity to learn outdoors. We have weekly Outdoor Learning lessons as well as the use of our own Reception outdoor area. We also enjoy walks on the Common and to the local surrounding area as part of our exciting topic lessons.

Growth mindset

We help Study girls to learn that practice makes perfect and, if they apply themselves and persevere, they can achieve great things

Achieving Academic Excellence

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Study girls in spaceship

Our Creative Curriculum

At Wilberforce House, our pre-prep learning is centred around the Creative Curriculum. All subjects are taught under the umbrella of a different creative topic each term and our curriculum is brought to life through engaging and memorable experiences.

Each topic provides a new learning journey with a story woven throughout the term, all featuring a Stunning Start, a Marvellous Middle and a Fabulous Finish.

From Year 3 onwards, our prep curriculum begins. More formal, stand-alone topics are taught, to help to prepare your daughter for her move to Spencer House and the more advanced curriculum from Year 4 onwards as she works towards the 11+.


Our Creative Curriculum inspires girls to ask questions, find out more and continue their learning journey beyond the classroom.


Teaching all subjects through one creative theme helps pupils to make meaningful connections between the different areas of their learning.

Love of learning

We encourage a love of learning by offering memorable experiences. Evidence shows this helps consolidate learning and improve pupil progress.

Why I love teaching our Creative Curriculum

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“I learn so many interesting facts and it has made me very inquisitive about the world we live in. The lessons are so much fun and I look forward to them every week.”

Year 2 pupil

“I think it’s amazing how the girls are just immersed in this term's topic and love sharing facts with us at home. They are so engaged – it’s wonderful to see how much fun they're having!”

Year 1 parent

“We found Paddington in a suitcase… it was so exciting!!”

Year 2 pupil
Study girls in science lab at Spencer House

Specialist teaching and facilities

Study girls benefit from specialist teaching from Reception onwards, within facilities designed to enhance their wellbeing and learning experience.

In pre-prep, specialist teachers in Music, French, Computing, PE, and Ballet teach the girls. Drama is also taught by a dedicated teacher from Year 1 onwards.

As girls move through the school to Spencer House, they begin to fully use our dedicated facilities, including the Science Laboratory, Art and Drama Studio and continued use of the Sports ground at Beverley Meads. From Year 4, the girls are taught by subject specialists for all of their lessons.

“We have an exceptional team of teaching staff at The Study who inspire a love for learning each and every day.”

Helen Lowe, Interim Head 2022-2023

“Mr Baalham has transformed our daughter's perception of maths - he is simply an incredible maths teacher. I never thought I would hear my daughter tell me that maths is her favourite subject and is so much fun!”

Year 6 parent
Girls at The Study in a lesson with i-pad's


Children are growing up in a world of constantly changing technology and we strive to ensure we adapt and evolve with these changes.

We are passionate about using technology to complement and enhance our teaching, and we recognise the importance of digital skills for senior school and beyond. At the same time, we are acutely aware that with the growth of technology comes a potential increase in risk to pupils’ wellbeing. We take our responsibility seriously and strive to equip our girls to be safe and responsible online at all times.

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“STEAM club is one of the unique clubs we do in school that helps future generations of women get closer to technology. It’s great fun, too. ”

Year 5 pupil
Study girl using a rolling pin

Catering for different learning styles

We are non-selective at Reception and cater for every ability.

Our aim is to help all pupils to identify their strengths and develop strategies to overcome weaknesses, so they can become confident, independent learners and achieve the progress they are truly capable of.

We have a fantastic Learning Enrichment department, including an English as an additional language teacher. Support begins with inclusive, in-class strategies. We are well equipped to increase this support where needed through carefully planned and evaluated intervention outside of the classroom.


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“Our non-selective approach means we get a range of abilities, talents and passions in every year group, and the girls learn to support one another.”

Mr Baalham, Head of Spencer House

“The progress that my daughter and Miss Proddow are making is certainly noticeable in all of the writing exercises and homework she does with me at home. Miss Proddow has been marvellous over the past two years and we are very grateful for all of the support.”

Year 4 parent   

“Mrs Hutchinson exudes positive energy, is very supportive and I can see she gives her very best. We are very grateful for having Mrs Hutchinson at The Study to support our girls.”

Year 3 parent

Academic Results

100 %

of girls secured a place at one of her chosen senior schools in 2022


scholarships and awards were offered to Year 6 girls this year

28 %

of senior school offers have included a scholarship over the past three years

Where next?