Audiences were treated to a wonderful show this week, as Year 1 girls put on a memorable performance, entitled “Pirates and Mermaids”. A tale of rivalry, pride and friendship, the show was brought to life by wonderful acting, dancing and music. Bad relations between the mythical mermaids and the cheeky pirates was at an all time high, with dodgy characters including Ace, Scar and Gangrene doing little to help the situation. It’s only when pirate chief Captain Scarypants admits the dark secret that he cannot swim, that things take a turn for the better. The mermaids teach the pirate to swim, and he learns more than just how to float – he learns about the importance of kindness, patience and friendship, and that pirates are not necessarily better than mermaids! Well done to all the girls who worked so hard to put on such a great show, from the announcers, narrators dancers and actors, to all the special characters including a cheeky parrot and naughty crocodile!