Whether it’s the summer BBQ or the much-loved annual Christmas Fair, the Study Association’s events bring together the whole school and help make sure The Study is a warm, friendly, welcoming community for every pupil and parent.
Most of the Study Association’s events have a fundraising element – more than £140,000 has been raised for the school to date! Each year, a percentage of the Association’s Christmas Fair proceeds are donated to one of The Study’s chosen charities of the Autumn term.
The Study Association supports the school with regular contributions, which have included:
- Sponsorship of the cedar pavilion for the Spencer House playground
- Plants and soft furnishings for the Spencer House library
- A selection of large outdoor playground games for Wilberforce House
- Wet play board games for each of the classes at Spencer House
- A visit from the Far and Wide Puppet Theatre at both Houses
- New netball bibs
- Books for the new Wilberhouse House library.
The Association needs YOU!
“Run by a small parent committee, The Study Association is always keen to get more parents involved. In fact, our ongoing success relies on your support.
“Whether you can volunteer a little of your time to help at one of the many events we run for the benefit of the girls, or help us source raffle and auction prizes, or just come along to support our events, every little counts.
“As parents ourselves, we know that life is busy enough as it is, so any time you can spare will be greatly appreciated. We look forward to collaborating with you.”
Paula Finch, TSA Chair
Class reps
The Study Association also includes our Year Group class reps, a group of volunteer parents who help new parents settle in, provide useful information, organise events within their year group and liaise with parents on school-wide Association activities.
At least two volunteer class reps are appointed for each class. If you’re interested in becoming a class rep, email thestudyassociation@gmail.com
The Study Association committee
The committee is currently made up of five members. We hold meetings at least once a term, and more frequently around key events, and also have regular meetings with the class reps.
- Paula Finch, Chair
- Yelena Dobrova-Fidel, Treasurer
- Rebecca Cox
- Angela Woolfe
- Joey Leek
The committee generally rotates every three years and we are always happy to hear from parents who are interested in getting involved.
Got an idea for a fundraiser or have some time and want to volunteer? We’d love to hear from you. To contact The Study Association email thestudyassociation@gmail.com
Nearly new uniform sales
The Study Association holds at least one nearly new uniform sale each term. We welcome all current logo, clean uniforms, which are in good condition.
Donations are requested a week or two before the sale. You will be given plenty of notice as to how to donate and when the sale will take place.
Please see the latest price list below.