Pre-prep uniform
Pre-prep uniform is worn by girls in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. Winter uniform, worn in the Autumn and Spring terms, is a tartan pinafore dress, blouse and cardigan. Girls who aren’t comfortable in the dress may wear school trousers.
The Summer term uniform is the school summer dress, with the option to wear this until October half term, should the weather remain warm. Each pupil also requires specific sports and ballet kit.

Prep uniform
Prep uniform is worn by girls in Years 3 to 6. Winter uniform is made up of our school skirt, full sleeved blouse and cardigan. Girls who aren’t comfortable in the skirt may wear school trousers.
The Summer term uniform is the school summer dress and, as in younger years, there is the option to wear this until October half term, should the weather remain warm.
Girls have the option of wearing the pre-prep pinafore in Year 3.
Each pupil also requires a specific games kit, which changes termly, reflecting the number of sporting activities they take part in.

School uniform supplier
Our uniform supplier is School Zone. All branded items are available from School Zone, either in-store or online. Appointments for an in-store fitting can be arranged from June to mid-August.
School Zone arranges Friday term-time deliveries of uniform orders to school, for collection by parents.
SchoolZone, The Bentalls Department Store, Wood St, Kingston, KT1 1TX.
Nearly new uniform sales
The Study Association holds excellent nearly new uniform sales each term. Dates will be published in the school calendar and on The Study Association page of our website.