11th October 2025: Book your place here
About me…
I was appointed a Governor in December 2015. I was born and educated in Australia, moving permanently to live in London in 1989. At that time I joined the law firm Linklaters as a partner in London and New York, retiring in 2016. At the firm I was a member of its board and executive committee. I have also been a director and finance committee member of London First and chair of trustees of Asthma UK. I am a long-term resident of Wimbledon, married with four adult children, three sons and a daughter.
Tell us something we might not know about you
My youngest child attended The Study. I enjoy various sports and I am an enthusiastic supporter of orchestral music, theatre and other creative arts.
What was your favourite toy or game as a child?
Chess and tennis were both encouraged from a young age, and being born a Leo, I had a soft toy lion that went everywhere when I was very young.
About me …
I joined the Study Board in September 2023. I have been in education for over a decade following a successful career in Ireland and the UK playing professional sport. I studied Business and then Science at university before becoming Headmaster at Cranmore School where I am passionate about an enriched education founded on academic excellence and participation. My vision is for pupils to grow in confidence, personality and character so that they thrive academically and personally.
I enjoy music, reading, cross-country running and more recently, cold water swimming.
Tell us something that we might not know about you
I have a fascination with food and love spending time in the kitchen. I am skilled at making the perfect chapatti.
What was your favourite toy or game as a child?
Winning at Monopoly against my older sibling.
About me…
I was appointed a Governor in 2012 following my retirement from the world of finance, where I was a banker. I was awarded an Associate Teaching Diploma in 2010 and I am a member of the Society of Teachers of Speech and Drama.
Tell us something we might not know about you
My daughter used to attend The Study and I enjoy teaching Public Speaking and Use of Voice part time.
What was your favourite toy or game as a child?
My favourite game as a child was sardines and my favourite toy was a pull along duck that quacked!
About me…
Cheryl Connelly was educated at Northumbria University where she completed a honours degree in Business Management. Having spent five years in the Civil Service, Cheryl moved to the Training and Enterprise Council where she advised public and private businesses on best practice and also achieved a Fellowship of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development(FCIPD). Cheryl then became an inspector with the Audit Commission where she led corporate compliance inspections at County and District councils, Police authorities and Fire authorities across the UK. After a decade at the Audit Commission, Cheryl moved into the Education sector as a Business Manager and Clerk to the Governors, spending six years in the maintained sector before spending the last three years in the independent sector. During this time, Cheryl also completed her MSc in Business Education Management. Cheryl has also served for 22 years as a school governor, including as Chair of Governors, Vice Chair, Chair of Finance and Resources and Safeguarding governor.
Tell us something that we might not know about you
I really like taking part in activities that test my boundaries. For example, parachute jumps, biggest slide in the Olympic park, training for the London Marathon – all to raise money for charity.
What was your favourite toy or game as a child?
This has to be my smut. This toy went everywhere with me and has been patched up several times and still exists
About Me
I joined The Study Board in June 2023. My background is in investment banking and I have been an equity research analyst, a corporate broker and latterly an M & A banker. Most recently I have held a number of management positions including Chief Executive of the European business of a US investment bank. I now do consulting work in addition to holding several board and charitable positions. I am a long term Wimbledon resident, married with two daughters who attend The Study.
Tell me something that we might not know about you
I have run (and finished!) three London Marathons and taken part in the Voga Longa – a 33 Km non-competitive processional row around Venice and the surrounding lagoon six times (and sunk once!)
What was your favourite toy or game as a child
I lived in rural Essex as a child and in school holidays when the weather prevented us from being outside, I enjoyed playing Monopoly and Chinese Chequers with my two brothers – one being primarily a game of chance and the other requiring some skill “
About me…
I was appointed a Governor in May 2023. My background was in the investment banking sector at Goldman Sachs, where I was an Equities Sales Trader.
Tell us something that we might not know about you
My daughter used to attend The Study. I have a BSc in Electrical Engineering and an MBA from the Booth School of Business.
What was your favourite toy or game as a child?
My favourite toy was my Barbie camper van, and my favourite game was Monopoly.
About me…
I joined the Study Board in 2021. I currently work at Brunswick Group, where I advise clients on a variety of critical communications issues including transactions (M&A, IPOs), restructuring and crises, financial and other reputational matters.
Tell us something we might not know about you
I am an old Study girl, grew up in Wimbledon, and have done a full circle and moved back to Wimbledon recently with my husband. After leaving The Study I went to Wimbledon High School, followed by Durham University and Imperial College London.
What was your favourite toy or game as a child
Animal hospital! I ran a vet clinic from our front room, filled with every Beanie Baby stuffed animal I could convince my parents to buy. That and trading Pokémon cards in the Spencer House playground.
I joined The Study Board in November 2024. My background is Technology and Operations within Finance and have worked at a number of firms including J.P. Morgan, Deutsche Bank, Barclays, NatWest and Bankers Trust. I also founded my own management consultancy in 2000 which was bought by Accenture in 2021. From 2018-2023 I was the Chief Operating Officer of ClearBank, one of the UK’s leading Fintech’s and the only new UK clearing bank in 250 years. I am a long term Wimbledon resident, married with three children: Phoebe, Holly and Jack. Phoebe and Holly both attended The Study and this gave them the perfect start to their educational journey.
All my friends and family call me Spike. It’s only my mum and dad who call me Nigel now!
I was absolutely addicted to football. I am a life-long Manchester City fan and would spend endless hours trying to replicate my idols skills on the pitch.
About me…
I have been teaching for over thirty years and have spent twelve years as a Head, the last nine of which were at Bute House Preparatory School for Girls in west London.
I left Bute House in August 2021 to work as an Education Consultant, during which time I have worked with a great many different schools and when I was approached about the interim Head role at The Study, I could not resist!
I began my teaching career as a senior school English and Drama teacher and moved into primary education in the mid-1990’s. I have worked for a number of state schools and was the Literacy Advisor for Richmond-upon-Thames before moving to The Lady Eleanor Holles School in 2003. I moved from LEH to be the Head of King’s House School Junior Department from 2009-2012 before taking on the Headship at Bute House.
Prior to starting my teaching career I was a professional actor.
Tell us something that we might not know about you
To help to raise funds for a building project at my last school, I agreed to go on the slide at the Olympic Park. I am terrified of slides and the screaming which occurred whilst I was descending could be hard for miles around! When we showed the girls at Bute House the video of me coming down the slide, they thought it was absolutely hilarious but also recognised that I had had to face one of my greatest fears.
What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve ever done?
Apart from the slide (!), I think moving to Italy on my own when I was 17, post A-levels, to work as an au pair. I spoke no Italian and there were no mobiles or internet in those days so I was very nervous and knew that I would really miss my family. However, I had a wonderful time, learnt Italian (it is not very good now!) and made so many new friends.
What was your favourite toy or game as a child?
When I was a little girl in Bristol, we lived in a big old Victorian house which had a large porch. I would set the porch up either as a theatre, where I put on plays with my cuddly toys and dolls, or I made it into a classroom and taught all my cuddly toys and dolls.
In those days, it was usual for people to come to the door selling food – for example, the baker would come every day with a huge basket of bread and cakes – and he would see me because I was in the porch playing. I cannot remember his name now but he would often join in with my games and even give me a delicious cake from his basket!