Statement from Year 3 Team 2022-2023

One year on as we try to make sense of the unbelievable tragic events of 6 July 2023, we recognise that our lives and those of the entire school community have changed forever. What had begun as a truly wonderful celebration of a very happy year, was destroyed, in a horrific moment. Selena and Nuria, whose lives held so much promise and who, having shared their hopes and dreams for the future only a matter of minutes earlier, were tragically killed. Their love for the school and enjoyment, passion, enthusiasm for life and learning was lost in those short moments. We will always remember them as kind, joyful, creative and valued members of the year group in their own unique way.

Their school friends are testimony to the incredible year group that we had the privilege and pleasure to teach. The bravery and compassion shown by every girl, many of whom were injured, was and continues to be extraordinary. The horror witnessed by those eight-year old girls is unfathomable and we continue to be in awe of their strength and resilience.

We would like to express our gratitude to the families involved for their unwavering support and kindness. Their understanding and patience are integral in helping us navigate the challenges of this year and beyond, as everyone continues to try to come to terms with the devastation of last summer. Never before has this amazing sense of togetherness been more evident, demonstrating our united community spirit.

We will forever cherish the memories shared with Nuria and Selena and although their time with us was all too short, their impact will be felt forever.

Year 3 Teaching Team 2022 – 2023
Mrs Maher, Head.

Statement from The Study Prep School Wimbledon regarding CPS decision and police review of the investigation into the fatal collision last July

Since the decision of No Further Action was announced by the Crown Prosecution Service last week, as a community we have had the opportunity to meet the police on three occasions to ask them questions regarding the investigation and its process and the basis of the decision by the CPS. There were a number of what we believe were fundamental questions regarding the investigation, raised by our staff and parents who were directly affected, that the police were unable to answer.

The police in these meetings acknowledged that they were unable to answer these questions adequately. The police announced during the first of the three meetings that they would review the investigation, which is now in process; subsequently the Senior Investigating Officer on the case has been replaced.

We very much welcome the review that the police have decided to undertake and we look forward to hearing the outcome. The police have said that they will not be making a public announcement about this review but we believe it is important that the decision to carry out a review is known to our school community as well as the wider public, hence including this information in our statement.

The school community has waited quietly and patiently over the last year to allow the police to carry out a full and detailed investigation and for the CPS to reach a decision. As we approach the anniversary of the horrific incident, we deserve to feel confident in the thoroughness of the police investigation so that we are all able properly to address the tragedy that happened here last July.

Where next?